
a variety of well evolved creatures of the camelid group of the callus-footed suborder of the artiodactyl request These are enormous creatures adjusted to life in parched districts of the world - deserts, semi-deserts and steppes.

 There are two kinds of camels:

 • Camelus bactrianus - Bactrian camel, or Bactrian;

 • Camelus dromedarius - one-bumped camel, or dromedary, or dromedary, or Bedouin.

 The occupants of the desert profoundly esteem camels and consider this creature the "boat of the desert"

 Camels live in Focal Asia. They are additionally found from Asia Minor to Manchuria. One-bumped camels can likewise be tracked down in North Africa, where they are normal as pets, as well as in the Center East up to India.

 Camels are comparable in constitution to ungulates, which is the reason they are in many cases erroneously thought about artiodactyls. In any case, in the design of camels there are such countless exceptional elements that they are singled out in an extraordinary separation of Corns. Furthermore, it is very sensible, in light of the fact that they simply don't have hooves. Consequently, the main family members of camels are guanacos and vicuñas. Two types of camels are known on the planet - two-bumped (Bactrian) and one-bumped (dromedary), and just tamed people are known in the last species, in this way it is viewed as terminated in nature.

 Camels are enormous creatures, the two species arrive at a level of 2.5-3.6 m, a one-bumped camel weighs 300-700 kg, a two-bumped camel weighs 500-800 kg. The really outside distinction between camels is the protuberances of fat tissue on the back. However, they likewise have different elements: their cervical curve twists down, and while strolling, camels depend not on the finish of the finger (foot), but rather on the last not many phalanges of the fingers, which structure a calloused pad. Toward the finish of this pad, a little paw is recognizable, which carries out no supporting role. Altogether, a camel has 

Lifestyle and nutrition
Camels have a ton of one of a kind elements related with unique day to day environments. Since camels live in deserts, all that in their body is pointed toward battling overheating and holding dampness. The main obstruction to intensity and parchedness is fleece. In a one-bumped camel, it is short and just at the highest point of the mound and the crown of the head is somewhat longer; in a two-bumped camel, the late spring coat is of medium length, and the colder time of year coat is extremely lengthy (particularly on the paunch and underside of the neck). Yet, no matter what the sort and season, camel hair is in every case extremely thick and makes a thick impervious layer around the body, confining the skin from the air.
 The following hindrance to drying out is the nostrils, they are cut like and firmly shut in camels, a unique overlay in the nasal pit assumes the part of a water fume condenser that streams into the oral cavity, so dampness doesn't leave the body. Under similar circumstances, a camel loses multiple times less liquid than a jackass. Moreover, limited nostrils permit the camel to inhale during dust storms, when hordes of grains of sand are conveyed in the air. For a similar reason, the camel has exceptionally thick and long eyelashes that safeguard the eyes. Alongside the nostrils, the kidneys, which produce extremely focused pee, and the digestion tracts, which produce nearly got dried out compost, work to save water in the camel's body.
 At the point when all ways for dampness misfortune are hindered, the issue of its collection emerges. However, for a camel, this isn't an issue. These creatures can drink a gigantic volume of water (130-150 liters quickly) inside a brief time frame, putting away it in the stomach. Supplements are kept as fat stores in the mounds, which, in case of a deficiency of food and water, start to be drunk. The capacity of camels to manage without a water opening is remarkable: a two-bumped camel serenely perseveres throug
Interesting facts
Camels swim well. This is valid, in spite of the way that the vast majority of them have never experienced enormous waterways.
 The camel is exceptionally strong. In a day, he can convey from 200 to 300 kilograms of weight over a distance of at least 50 kilometers.
 Camels are malicious. They are very treacherous and malevolent. In Saudi Arabia, for instance, cases were recorded when camels got back at a person for the outraged individuals from his crowd.
 Camels live for a seriously prolonged stretch of time - 40-50 years.
Camels of the Belgorod Zoo 
Our camel is called by the Russian society name Alyosha. Alyosha is around 20 years of age. He cherishes carrots without a doubt. Here and there being feeling terrible can spit on a thoughtless representative. However, this seldom occurs. Alyosha is normally in a serene outlook.